Follicular and chronic tonsillitis treatment, Symptoms,
Causes and Surgery
- By Admin
- 05 December 2019
Tonsils have a vital function in the human body. They are part of the body's immune system. They are located at the throat and palate, which gives them the ability to restrict germs from entering the body through the mouth or the nose. One other distinctive feature of tonsils is that they contain a lot of white blood cells, which are responsible to kill germs. However, removal of the tonsils has not seemed to increase susceptibility to infection. Tonsils vary widely in size and swell in response to infection.
Causes of Tonsillitis
Tonsillitis is the acute inflammation of the tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. When talking about the causes of tonsillitis, the first reason is acquainted with Streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria are highly contagious and can spread through airborne droplets. Other viruses could cause tonsillitis as well. If tonsillitis is left untreated, a complication can develop called a peritonsillar abscess. It is a bacterial infection that involves a pus-filled pocket that forms near one of the tonsils.
Tonsillitis Symptoms in Adults and Children
The signs and symptoms of this infection include fever, enlargement of the tonsils, difficulty swallowing, and enlargement of the regional lymph nodes. Tonsillitis is common in children, as well. It can often happen once in a while or even come back again and again.
Inflamed and swollen tonsils sometimes get so severe that it makes it hard to breathe. The other symptoms of tonsillitis range from throat pain or tenderness to painful blisters or ulcers on your throat. The tonsils tend to turn red, white, or yellow coating.
Loss of appetite occurs primarily due to trouble in swallowing. A scratchy or muffled voice, bad breathe, and swollen glands in neck or jaw are some common complains due to tonsillitis. Patients also suffer from headaches, ear pain, stiff necks, fever, and chills. The symptoms of tonsillitis for children are a little different. Children suffer from upset stomach, vomiting, stomach pain, and drooling. They don’t want to eat or swallow as a result of tonsillitis.
Natural Remedies to Cure Tonsillitis
There are some fruitful remedies that can be used by patients for whom chronic tonsillitis is still in the pre-mature stage. Staying hydrated by drinking enough water and gargling a saltwater solution is very helpful. Getting plenty of rest and using humidifiers can be very effective. By taking pain-relieving medication and sucking on throat lozenges, patients tend to get a lot of comforts. Depending on the severity and occurrence of tonsillitis, treatment varies from patient to patient.
If symptoms last around ten days or less, it’s considered as acute tonsillitis. In case of symptoms lasting longer, or if tonsillitis comes back multiple times during the year, it may be chronic or recurrent tonsillitis. Chronic tonsillitis is likely to cause tonsil stones, in which food, dead cells, and saliva build-up in the grooves of your tonsils. These waste materials harden into small stones over a period of time. Very rarely, they come loose on their own and more often, they need to be removed by a specialist.
Treatment for Tonsillitis at MagnasV
The removal of tonsil stones is recommended to be done in equipped ENT clinics like MagnasV ENT Hospital. Specialists will run a thorough assessment of patients in order to decide whether medication is sufficient to address the problem, or they require surgery.
Is it necessary to have a tonsillectomy?
Tonsillectomy is the surgical procedure during which the doctor carefully removes the palatine tonsils from the back of the throat. The procedure works wonders for those suffering from recurrent throat infections. In fact, children with this condition have an improved quality of life as a result of tonsillectomy. Doctors at MagnasV ENT Hospital offer comprehensive post-operative care where the symptoms are monitored carefully and controlled. The throat pain usually lasts for about one to two weeks after surgery, but with expert medical care, the pain can be kept under control.
Under expert anesthetic care, you won’t feel any pain during the surgery. The medical staff at MagnasV ENT Hospital will monitor your vitals during the procedure and after it. Under our care, most patients can get discharged the same day after a successful tonsillectomy. The most common concern that people have regarding tonsillectomy is regarding how the surgery affects the immune system. However, the surgery does not appear to affect long-term immune function. The best ENT surgeons for Tonsillectomy in Hyderabad are available in MagnasV ENT Hospital. Their expert care is trusted and verified by many patients across the country.